Summer & Birthdays

By Ufuk Erdogmus 8 years ago
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Here in Izmir, we have relatively nice weather all along the year compared to many. No harsh colds in the winter and simply a hot summer 🙂 We  do our best to enjoy our weekends best as we can with all the beaches and vacation locations nearby. So that’s how most of the summer passed by.

And come September, we celebrated Gizem’s birthday with a surprise on her desk:


By pure luck and coincidence (a long story here), she came to the office with her father and sister that day, which ended up with an even better surprise for her 🙂


And by the end of September we planned a possible good bye party to the hot weather plus yet another birthday party, this time for Esat.


Plus it was an excuse for a BBQ 🙂img_0616

Now that the “winter is coming”, we’re back at work full speed, non-stop, without any foreseeable break until spring. You all know where to find us 😉


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